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<dc:title>A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO 420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Dasyra, K. M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Hatziminaoglou, E.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Malkan, M. A.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Pereira Santaella, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Papachristou, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Spinoglio, L.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Combes, F.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Aalto, S.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Nagar, N.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Imanishi, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Andreani, P.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Ricci, C.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Slater, R.</dc:creator>
<dc:contributor>Unidad de Excelencia Científica María de Maeztu Centro de Astrobiología del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial y CSIC, MDM-2017-0737</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A. [0000-0001-9490-899X]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Hatziminaoglou, E. [0000-0003-0917-9636]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Spignoglio, L. [0000-0001-8840-1551]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Combes, F. [0000-0003-2658-7893]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Nagar, N. [0000-0001-6920-662X]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Imanishi, M. [0000-0001-6186-8792]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Andreani, P. [0000-0001-9493-0169]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Comunidad de Madrid</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI)</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT)</dc:contributor>
<dc:subject>ISM: jets and outflows</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: active</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: individual</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>ESO 420-G13</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Submillimeter: ISM</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: evolution</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Techniques: high angular resolution</dc:subject>
<dc:description>A prominent jet-driven outflow of CO(2-1) molecular gas is found along the kinematic minor axis of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 420-G13, at a distance of 340-600 pc from the nucleus. The wind morphology resembles the characteristic funnel shape, formed by a highly collimated filamentary emission at the base, and likely traces the jet propagation through a tenuous medium, until a bifurcation point at 440 pc. Here the jet hits a dense molecular core and shatters, dispersing the molecular gas into several clumps and filaments within the expansion cone. We also trace the jet in ionised gas within the inner less than or similar to 340 pc using the [NeII](12.8 mu m) line emission, where the molecular gas follows a circular rotation pattern. The wind outflow carries a mass of similar to 8 x 10(6) M-circle dot at an average wind projected speed of similar to 160 km s(-1), which implies a mass outflow rate of similar to 14 M-circle dot yr(-1). Based on the structure of the outflow and the budget of energy and momentum, we discard radiation pressure from the active nucleus, star formation, and supernovae as possible launching mechanisms. ESO 420-G13 is the second case after NGC 1377 where a previously unknown jet is revealed through its interaction with the interstellar medium, suggesting that unknown jets in feeble radio nuclei might be more common than expected. Two possible jet-cloud configurations are discussed to explain an outflow at this distance from the AGN. The outflowing gas will likely not escape, thus a delay in the star formation rather than quenching is expected from this interaction, while the feedback effect would be confined within the central few hundred parsecs of the galaxy.</dc:description>
<dc:description>The authors acknowledge the referee for his/her useful comments that helped to improve the manuscript. JAFO acknowledges financial support by the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) under the research contract 2018-31-HH.0. JAFO and KMD acknowledge financial support by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), under the first call for the creation of research groups by postdoctoral researchers that was launched by the General Secretariat For Research and Technology (project number 1882). MPS acknowledges support from the Comunidad de Madrid, Spain, through Atraccion de Talento Investigador Grant 2018-T1/TIC-11035 and STFC through grants ST/N000919/1 and ST/N002717/1. CR acknowledges support from the CONI-CYT +PAI, Convocatoria Nacional subvencion a instalacion en la academia, convocatoria ano 2017 PAI77170080. This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2017.1.00236.S. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), MOST and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc; With funding from the Spanish government through the "María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence" accreditation (MDM-2017-0737).</dc:description>
<dc:description>Peer review</dc:description>
<dc:identifier>Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A127(2020)</dc:identifier>
<dc:rights>Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International</dc:rights>
<dc:rights>© ESO 2020</dc:rights>
<dc:publisher>EDP Sciences</dc:publisher>
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<dc:title>A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO 420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Dasyra, K. M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Hatziminaoglou, E.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Malkan, M. A.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Pereira Santaella, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Papachristou, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Spinoglio, L.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Combes, F.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Aalto, S.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Nagar, N.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Imanishi, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Andreani, P.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Ricci, C.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Slater, R.</dc:creator>
<dc:contributor>Unidad de Excelencia Científica María de Maeztu Centro de Astrobiología del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial y CSIC, MDM-2017-0737</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A. [0000-0001-9490-899X]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Hatziminaoglou, E. [0000-0003-0917-9636]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Spignoglio, L. [0000-0001-8840-1551]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Combes, F. [0000-0003-2658-7893]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Nagar, N. [0000-0001-6920-662X]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Imanishi, M. [0000-0001-6186-8792]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Andreani, P. [0000-0001-9493-0169]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Comunidad de Madrid</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI)</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT)</dc:contributor>
<dc:subject>ISM: jets and outflows</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: active</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: individual</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>ESO 420-G13</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Submillimeter: ISM</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: evolution</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Techniques: high angular resolution</dc:subject>
<dc:description>A prominent jet-driven outflow of CO(2-1) molecular gas is found along the kinematic minor axis of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 420-G13, at a distance of 340-600 pc from the nucleus. The wind morphology resembles the characteristic funnel shape, formed by a highly collimated filamentary emission at the base, and likely traces the jet propagation through a tenuous medium, until a bifurcation point at 440 pc. Here the jet hits a dense molecular core and shatters, dispersing the molecular gas into several clumps and filaments within the expansion cone. We also trace the jet in ionised gas within the inner less than or similar to 340 pc using the [NeII](12.8 mu m) line emission, where the molecular gas follows a circular rotation pattern. The wind outflow carries a mass of similar to 8 x 10(6) M-circle dot at an average wind projected speed of similar to 160 km s(-1), which implies a mass outflow rate of similar to 14 M-circle dot yr(-1). Based on the structure of the outflow and the budget of energy and momentum, we discard radiation pressure from the active nucleus, star formation, and supernovae as possible launching mechanisms. ESO 420-G13 is the second case after NGC 1377 where a previously unknown jet is revealed through its interaction with the interstellar medium, suggesting that unknown jets in feeble radio nuclei might be more common than expected. Two possible jet-cloud configurations are discussed to explain an outflow at this distance from the AGN. The outflowing gas will likely not escape, thus a delay in the star formation rather than quenching is expected from this interaction, while the feedback effect would be confined within the central few hundred parsecs of the galaxy.</dc:description>
<dc:identifier>Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A127(2020)</dc:identifier>
<dc:rights>© ESO 2020</dc:rights>
<dc:rights>Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International</dc:rights>
<dc:publisher>EDP Sciences</dc:publisher>
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<dim:field element="rights" lang="*" mdschema="dc">Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International</dim:field>
<dim:field element="rights" lang="*" mdschema="dc" qualifier="uri">https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/</dim:field>
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<dim:field authority="a1158685-7587-4981-8317-55154fef8921" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Fernández Ontiveros, J. A.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="4bbe2ece-4978-4fd7-aa1c-f0f14b208f5b" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Dasyra, K. M.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="c4b137af-55ab-4e72-a0a6-bafb9ad43e0f" confidence="-1" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Hatziminaoglou, E.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="5fc391ff-d22b-42f5-8bc4-8da73e46c9fe" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Malkan, M. A.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="ba3f1756-a384-4a2a-a7b0-3d494700e2b1" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Pereira Santaella, M.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="629a893c-8dca-40b7-a05b-6de3985535f8" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Papachristou, M.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="d6011300-a137-4b71-ba49-df4d1aba2629" confidence="-1" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Spinoglio, L.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="edb1141d-bbff-4a27-bdcf-fb47542493ae" confidence="-1" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Combes, F.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="d554049d-ac57-4267-9fba-f2d63f9b36be" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Aalto, S.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="ed3ca337-3186-454b-b683-314823b58133" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Nagar, N.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="b22238b1-584b-4a5a-bedf-ddd28f3cc00e" confidence="-1" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Imanishi, M.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="31ef513d-82cf-413f-98bd-2bb1fa22f728" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Andreani, P.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="313a718f-6f5b-4e74-a300-a1e55e641972" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Ricci, C.</dim:field>
<dim:field authority="2982cc50-d4c1-4f0f-876c-bfd9b6b921b1" confidence="600" element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="author">Slater, R.</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="other">Unidad de Excelencia Científica María de Maeztu Centro de Astrobiología del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial y CSIC, MDM-2017-0737</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="orcid">Fernández Ontiveros, J. A. [0000-0001-9490-899X]</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="orcid">Hatziminaoglou, E. [0000-0003-0917-9636]</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="orcid">Spignoglio, L. [0000-0001-8840-1551]</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="orcid">Combes, F. [0000-0003-2658-7893]</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="orcid">Nagar, N. [0000-0001-6920-662X]</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="orcid">Imanishi, M. [0000-0001-6186-8792]</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="orcid">Andreani, P. [0000-0001-9493-0169]</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="funder">Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="funder">Comunidad de Madrid</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="funder">Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI)</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="funder">Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT)</dim:field>
<dim:field element="contributor" mdschema="dc" qualifier="funder">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002848</dim:field>
<dim:field element="date" mdschema="dc" qualifier="accessioned">2021-04-12T11:01:08Z</dim:field>
<dim:field element="date" mdschema="dc" qualifier="available">2021-04-12T11:01:08Z</dim:field>
<dim:field element="date" mdschema="dc" qualifier="issued">2020-01-21</dim:field>
<dim:field element="identifier" lang="es" mdschema="dc" qualifier="citation">Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A127(2020)</dim:field>
<dim:field element="identifier" mdschema="dc" qualifier="issn">0004-6361</dim:field>
<dim:field element="identifier" mdschema="dc" qualifier="other">https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2020/01/aa36552-19/aa36552-19.html</dim:field>
<dim:field element="identifier" mdschema="dc" qualifier="uri">http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/265</dim:field>
<dim:field element="identifier" mdschema="dc" qualifier="doi">10.1051/0004-6361/201936552</dim:field>
<dim:field element="identifier" mdschema="dc" qualifier="e-issn">1432-0746</dim:field>
<dim:field element="identifier" mdschema="dc" qualifier="funder">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003981</dim:field>
<dim:field element="identifier" mdschema="dc" qualifier="funder">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100012818</dim:field>
<dim:field element="identifier" mdschema="dc" qualifier="funder">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013209</dim:field>
<dim:field element="description" lang="es" mdschema="dc" qualifier="abstract">A prominent jet-driven outflow of CO(2-1) molecular gas is found along the kinematic minor axis of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 420-G13, at a distance of 340-600 pc from the nucleus. The wind morphology resembles the characteristic funnel shape, formed by a highly collimated filamentary emission at the base, and likely traces the jet propagation through a tenuous medium, until a bifurcation point at 440 pc. Here the jet hits a dense molecular core and shatters, dispersing the molecular gas into several clumps and filaments within the expansion cone. We also trace the jet in ionised gas within the inner less than or similar to 340 pc using the [NeII](12.8 mu m) line emission, where the molecular gas follows a circular rotation pattern. The wind outflow carries a mass of similar to 8 x 10(6) M-circle dot at an average wind projected speed of similar to 160 km s(-1), which implies a mass outflow rate of similar to 14 M-circle dot yr(-1). Based on the structure of the outflow and the budget of energy and momentum, we discard radiation pressure from the active nucleus, star formation, and supernovae as possible launching mechanisms. ESO 420-G13 is the second case after NGC 1377 where a previously unknown jet is revealed through its interaction with the interstellar medium, suggesting that unknown jets in feeble radio nuclei might be more common than expected. Two possible jet-cloud configurations are discussed to explain an outflow at this distance from the AGN. The outflowing gas will likely not escape, thus a delay in the star formation rather than quenching is expected from this interaction, while the feedback effect would be confined within the central few hundred parsecs of the galaxy.</dim:field>
<dim:field element="description" lang="es" mdschema="dc" qualifier="sponsorship">The authors acknowledge the referee for his/her useful comments that helped to improve the manuscript. JAFO acknowledges financial support by the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) under the research contract 2018-31-HH.0. JAFO and KMD acknowledge financial support by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), under the first call for the creation of research groups by postdoctoral researchers that was launched by the General Secretariat For Research and Technology (project number 1882). MPS acknowledges support from the Comunidad de Madrid, Spain, through Atraccion de Talento Investigador Grant 2018-T1/TIC-11035 and STFC through grants ST/N000919/1 and ST/N002717/1. CR acknowledges support from the CONI-CYT +PAI, Convocatoria Nacional subvencion a instalacion en la academia, convocatoria ano 2017 PAI77170080. This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2017.1.00236.S. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), MOST and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc; With funding from the Spanish government through the "María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence" accreditation (MDM-2017-0737).</dim:field>
<dim:field element="description" lang="es" mdschema="dc" qualifier="peerreviewed">Peer review</dim:field>
<dim:field element="language" lang="es" mdschema="dc" qualifier="iso">eng</dim:field>
<dim:field element="publisher" lang="es" mdschema="dc">EDP Sciences</dim:field>
<dim:field element="subject" lang="es" mdschema="dc">ISM: jets and outflows</dim:field>
<dim:field element="subject" lang="es" mdschema="dc">Galaxies: active</dim:field>
<dim:field element="subject" lang="es" mdschema="dc">Galaxies: individual</dim:field>
<dim:field element="subject" lang="es" mdschema="dc">ESO 420-G13</dim:field>
<dim:field element="subject" lang="es" mdschema="dc">Submillimeter: ISM</dim:field>
<dim:field element="subject" lang="es" mdschema="dc">Galaxies: evolution</dim:field>
<dim:field element="subject" lang="es" mdschema="dc">Techniques: high angular resolution</dim:field>
<dim:field element="title" lang="es" mdschema="dc">A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO 420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet</dim:field>
<dim:field element="type" lang="es" mdschema="dc">info:eu-repo/semantics/article</dim:field>
<dim:field element="type" mdschema="dc" qualifier="hasVersion">info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion</dim:field>
<dim:field element="type" mdschema="dc" qualifier="coar">http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_6501</dim:field>
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<title>A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO 420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet</title>
<creator>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A.</creator>
<creator>Dasyra, K. M.</creator>
<creator>Hatziminaoglou, E.</creator>
<creator>Malkan, M. A.</creator>
<creator>Pereira Santaella, M.</creator>
<creator>Papachristou, M.</creator>
<creator>Spinoglio, L.</creator>
<creator>Combes, F.</creator>
<creator>Aalto, S.</creator>
<creator>Nagar, N.</creator>
<creator>Imanishi, M.</creator>
<creator>Andreani, P.</creator>
<creator>Ricci, C.</creator>
<creator>Slater, R.</creator>
<contributor>Unidad de Excelencia Científica María de Maeztu Centro de Astrobiología del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial y CSIC, MDM-2017-0737</contributor>
<contributor>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A. [0000-0001-9490-899X]</contributor>
<contributor>Hatziminaoglou, E. [0000-0003-0917-9636]</contributor>
<contributor>Spignoglio, L. [0000-0001-8840-1551]</contributor>
<contributor>Combes, F. [0000-0003-2658-7893]</contributor>
<contributor>Nagar, N. [0000-0001-6920-662X]</contributor>
<contributor>Imanishi, M. [0000-0001-6186-8792]</contributor>
<contributor>Andreani, P. [0000-0001-9493-0169]</contributor>
<contributor>Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)</contributor>
<contributor>Comunidad de Madrid</contributor>
<contributor>Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI)</contributor>
<contributor>Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT)</contributor>
<subject>ISM: jets and outflows</subject>
<subject>Galaxies: active</subject>
<subject>Galaxies: individual</subject>
<subject>ESO 420-G13</subject>
<subject>Submillimeter: ISM</subject>
<subject>Galaxies: evolution</subject>
<subject>Techniques: high angular resolution</subject>
<description>A prominent jet-driven outflow of CO(2-1) molecular gas is found along the kinematic minor axis of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 420-G13, at a distance of 340-600 pc from the nucleus. The wind morphology resembles the characteristic funnel shape, formed by a highly collimated filamentary emission at the base, and likely traces the jet propagation through a tenuous medium, until a bifurcation point at 440 pc. Here the jet hits a dense molecular core and shatters, dispersing the molecular gas into several clumps and filaments within the expansion cone. We also trace the jet in ionised gas within the inner less than or similar to 340 pc using the [NeII](12.8 mu m) line emission, where the molecular gas follows a circular rotation pattern. The wind outflow carries a mass of similar to 8 x 10(6) M-circle dot at an average wind projected speed of similar to 160 km s(-1), which implies a mass outflow rate of similar to 14 M-circle dot yr(-1). Based on the structure of the outflow and the budget of energy and momentum, we discard radiation pressure from the active nucleus, star formation, and supernovae as possible launching mechanisms. ESO 420-G13 is the second case after NGC 1377 where a previously unknown jet is revealed through its interaction with the interstellar medium, suggesting that unknown jets in feeble radio nuclei might be more common than expected. Two possible jet-cloud configurations are discussed to explain an outflow at this distance from the AGN. The outflowing gas will likely not escape, thus a delay in the star formation rather than quenching is expected from this interaction, while the feedback effect would be confined within the central few hundred parsecs of the galaxy.</description>
<identifier>Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A127(2020)</identifier>
<rights>© ESO 2020</rights>
<rights>Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International</rights>
<publisher>EDP Sciences</publisher>
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<subfield code="a">Fernández Ontiveros, J. A.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Dasyra, K. M.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Hatziminaoglou, E.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Malkan, M. A.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Pereira Santaella, M.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Papachristou, M.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Spinoglio, L.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Combes, F.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Aalto, S.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Nagar, N.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Imanishi, M.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Andreani, P.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Ricci, C.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="720">
<subfield code="a">Slater, R.</subfield>
<subfield code="e">author</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="260">
<subfield code="c">2020-01-21</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="520">
<subfield code="a">A prominent jet-driven outflow of CO(2-1) molecular gas is found along the kinematic minor axis of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 420-G13, at a distance of 340-600 pc from the nucleus. The wind morphology resembles the characteristic funnel shape, formed by a highly collimated filamentary emission at the base, and likely traces the jet propagation through a tenuous medium, until a bifurcation point at 440 pc. Here the jet hits a dense molecular core and shatters, dispersing the molecular gas into several clumps and filaments within the expansion cone. We also trace the jet in ionised gas within the inner less than or similar to 340 pc using the [NeII](12.8 mu m) line emission, where the molecular gas follows a circular rotation pattern. The wind outflow carries a mass of similar to 8 x 10(6) M-circle dot at an average wind projected speed of similar to 160 km s(-1), which implies a mass outflow rate of similar to 14 M-circle dot yr(-1). Based on the structure of the outflow and the budget of energy and momentum, we discard radiation pressure from the active nucleus, star formation, and supernovae as possible launching mechanisms. ESO 420-G13 is the second case after NGC 1377 where a previously unknown jet is revealed through its interaction with the interstellar medium, suggesting that unknown jets in feeble radio nuclei might be more common than expected. Two possible jet-cloud configurations are discussed to explain an outflow at this distance from the AGN. The outflowing gas will likely not escape, thus a delay in the star formation rather than quenching is expected from this interaction, while the feedback effect would be confined within the central few hundred parsecs of the galaxy.</subfield>
<datafield ind1="8" ind2=" " tag="024">
<subfield code="a">Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A127(2020)</subfield>
<datafield ind1="8" ind2=" " tag="024">
<subfield code="a">0004-6361</subfield>
<datafield ind1="8" ind2=" " tag="024">
<subfield code="a">https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2020/01/aa36552-19/aa36552-19.html</subfield>
<datafield ind1="8" ind2=" " tag="024">
<subfield code="a">http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/265</subfield>
<datafield ind1="8" ind2=" " tag="024">
<subfield code="a">10.1051/0004-6361/201936552</subfield>
<datafield ind1="8" ind2=" " tag="024">
<subfield code="a">1432-0746</subfield>
<datafield ind1="8" ind2=" " tag="024">
<subfield code="a">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003981</subfield>
<datafield ind1="8" ind2=" " tag="024">
<subfield code="a">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100012818</subfield>
<datafield ind1="8" ind2=" " tag="024">
<subfield code="a">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013209</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="653">
<subfield code="a">ISM: jets and outflows</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="653">
<subfield code="a">Galaxies: active</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="653">
<subfield code="a">Galaxies: individual</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="653">
<subfield code="a">ESO 420-G13</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="653">
<subfield code="a">Submillimeter: ISM</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="653">
<subfield code="a">Galaxies: evolution</subfield>
<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="653">
<subfield code="a">Techniques: high angular resolution</subfield>
<datafield ind1="0" ind2="0" tag="245">
<subfield code="a">A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO 420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet</subfield>
Se ha omitido la presentación del registro por ser demasiado largo. Si lo desea, puede descargárselo en el enlace anterior.
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<mods:mods schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3 http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-3-1.xsd">
<mods:namePart>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Dasyra, K. M.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Hatziminaoglou, E.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Malkan, M. A.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Pereira Santaella, M.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Papachristou, M.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Spinoglio, L.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Combes, F.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Aalto, S.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Nagar, N.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Imanishi, M.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Andreani, P.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Ricci, C.</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart>Slater, R.</mods:namePart>
<mods:dateAvailable encoding="iso8601">2021-04-12T11:01:08Z</mods:dateAvailable>
<mods:dateAccessioned encoding="iso8601">2021-04-12T11:01:08Z</mods:dateAccessioned>
<mods:dateIssued encoding="iso8601">2020-01-21</mods:dateIssued>
<mods:identifier type="citation">Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A127(2020)</mods:identifier>
<mods:identifier type="issn">0004-6361</mods:identifier>
<mods:identifier type="other">https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2020/01/aa36552-19/aa36552-19.html</mods:identifier>
<mods:identifier type="uri">http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12666/265</mods:identifier>
<mods:identifier type="doi">10.1051/0004-6361/201936552</mods:identifier>
<mods:identifier type="e-issn">1432-0746</mods:identifier>
<mods:identifier type="funder">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003981</mods:identifier>
<mods:identifier type="funder">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100012818</mods:identifier>
<mods:identifier type="funder">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013209</mods:identifier>
<mods:abstract>A prominent jet-driven outflow of CO(2-1) molecular gas is found along the kinematic minor axis of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 420-G13, at a distance of 340-600 pc from the nucleus. The wind morphology resembles the characteristic funnel shape, formed by a highly collimated filamentary emission at the base, and likely traces the jet propagation through a tenuous medium, until a bifurcation point at 440 pc. Here the jet hits a dense molecular core and shatters, dispersing the molecular gas into several clumps and filaments within the expansion cone. We also trace the jet in ionised gas within the inner less than or similar to 340 pc using the [NeII](12.8 mu m) line emission, where the molecular gas follows a circular rotation pattern. The wind outflow carries a mass of similar to 8 x 10(6) M-circle dot at an average wind projected speed of similar to 160 km s(-1), which implies a mass outflow rate of similar to 14 M-circle dot yr(-1). Based on the structure of the outflow and the budget of energy and momentum, we discard radiation pressure from the active nucleus, star formation, and supernovae as possible launching mechanisms. ESO 420-G13 is the second case after NGC 1377 where a previously unknown jet is revealed through its interaction with the interstellar medium, suggesting that unknown jets in feeble radio nuclei might be more common than expected. Two possible jet-cloud configurations are discussed to explain an outflow at this distance from the AGN. The outflowing gas will likely not escape, thus a delay in the star formation rather than quenching is expected from this interaction, while the feedback effect would be confined within the central few hundred parsecs of the galaxy.</mods:abstract>
<mods:accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">© ESO 2020</mods:accessCondition>
<mods:accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/</mods:accessCondition>
<mods:accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess</mods:accessCondition>
<mods:accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International</mods:accessCondition>
<mods:topic>ISM: jets and outflows</mods:topic>
<mods:topic>Galaxies: active</mods:topic>
<mods:topic>Galaxies: individual</mods:topic>
<mods:topic>ESO 420-G13</mods:topic>
<mods:topic>Submillimeter: ISM</mods:topic>
<mods:topic>Galaxies: evolution</mods:topic>
<mods:topic>Techniques: high angular resolution</mods:topic>
<mods:title>A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO 420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet</mods:title>
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<atom:name>Dasyra, K. M.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Hatziminaoglou, E.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Malkan, M. A.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Pereira Santaella, M.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Papachristou, M.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Spinoglio, L.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Combes, F.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Aalto, S.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Nagar, N.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Imanishi, M.</atom:name>
<atom:name>Andreani, P.</atom:name>
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<dc:title>A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO 420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Dasyra, K. M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Hatziminaoglou, E.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Malkan, M. A.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Pereira Santaella, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Papachristou, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Spinoglio, L.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Combes, F.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Aalto, S.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Nagar, N.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Imanishi, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Andreani, P.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Ricci, C.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Slater, R.</dc:creator>
<dc:contributor>Unidad de Excelencia Científica María de Maeztu Centro de Astrobiología del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial y CSIC, MDM-2017-0737</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A. [0000-0001-9490-899X]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Hatziminaoglou, E. [0000-0003-0917-9636]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Spignoglio, L. [0000-0001-8840-1551]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Combes, F. [0000-0003-2658-7893]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Nagar, N. [0000-0001-6920-662X]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Imanishi, M. [0000-0001-6186-8792]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Andreani, P. [0000-0001-9493-0169]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Comunidad de Madrid</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI)</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT)</dc:contributor>
<dc:subject>ISM: jets and outflows</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: active</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: individual</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>ESO 420-G13</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Submillimeter: ISM</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: evolution</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Techniques: high angular resolution</dc:subject>
<dcterms:abstract>A prominent jet-driven outflow of CO(2-1) molecular gas is found along the kinematic minor axis of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 420-G13, at a distance of 340-600 pc from the nucleus. The wind morphology resembles the characteristic funnel shape, formed by a highly collimated filamentary emission at the base, and likely traces the jet propagation through a tenuous medium, until a bifurcation point at 440 pc. Here the jet hits a dense molecular core and shatters, dispersing the molecular gas into several clumps and filaments within the expansion cone. We also trace the jet in ionised gas within the inner less than or similar to 340 pc using the [NeII](12.8 mu m) line emission, where the molecular gas follows a circular rotation pattern. The wind outflow carries a mass of similar to 8 x 10(6) M-circle dot at an average wind projected speed of similar to 160 km s(-1), which implies a mass outflow rate of similar to 14 M-circle dot yr(-1). Based on the structure of the outflow and the budget of energy and momentum, we discard radiation pressure from the active nucleus, star formation, and supernovae as possible launching mechanisms. ESO 420-G13 is the second case after NGC 1377 where a previously unknown jet is revealed through its interaction with the interstellar medium, suggesting that unknown jets in feeble radio nuclei might be more common than expected. Two possible jet-cloud configurations are discussed to explain an outflow at this distance from the AGN. The outflowing gas will likely not escape, thus a delay in the star formation rather than quenching is expected from this interaction, while the feedback effect would be confined within the central few hundred parsecs of the galaxy.</dcterms:abstract>
<dc:identifier>Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A127(2020)</dc:identifier>
<dc:rights>© ESO 2020</dc:rights>
<dc:rights>Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International</dc:rights>
<dc:publisher>EDP Sciences</dc:publisher>
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<dc:title>A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO 420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Dasyra, K. M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Hatziminaoglou, E.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Malkan, M. A.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Pereira Santaella, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Papachristou, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Spinoglio, L.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Combes, F.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Aalto, S.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Nagar, N.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Imanishi, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Andreani, P.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Ricci, C.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Slater, R.</dc:creator>
<dc:contributor>Unidad de Excelencia Científica María de Maeztu Centro de Astrobiología del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial y CSIC, MDM-2017-0737</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Fernández Ontiveros, J. A. [0000-0001-9490-899X]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Hatziminaoglou, E. [0000-0003-0917-9636]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Spignoglio, L. [0000-0001-8840-1551]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Combes, F. [0000-0003-2658-7893]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Nagar, N. [0000-0001-6920-662X]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Imanishi, M. [0000-0001-6186-8792]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Andreani, P. [0000-0001-9493-0169]</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Comunidad de Madrid</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI)</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT)</dc:contributor>
<dc:subject>ISM: jets and outflows</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: active</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: individual</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>ESO 420-G13</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Submillimeter: ISM</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Galaxies: evolution</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Techniques: high angular resolution</dc:subject>
<dc:description>A prominent jet-driven outflow of CO(2-1) molecular gas is found along the kinematic minor axis of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 420-G13, at a distance of 340-600 pc from the nucleus. The wind morphology resembles the characteristic funnel shape, formed by a highly collimated filamentary emission at the base, and likely traces the jet propagation through a tenuous medium, until a bifurcation point at 440 pc. Here the jet hits a dense molecular core and shatters, dispersing the molecular gas into several clumps and filaments within the expansion cone. We also trace the jet in ionised gas within the inner less than or similar to 340 pc using the [NeII](12.8 mu m) line emission, where the molecular gas follows a circular rotation pattern. The wind outflow carries a mass of similar to 8 x 10(6) M-circle dot at an average wind projected speed of similar to 160 km s(-1), which implies a mass outflow rate of similar to 14 M-circle dot yr(-1). Based on the structure of the outflow and the budget of energy and momentum, we discard radiation pressure from the active nucleus, star formation, and supernovae as possible launching mechanisms. ESO 420-G13 is the second case after NGC 1377 where a previously unknown jet is revealed through its interaction with the interstellar medium, suggesting that unknown jets in feeble radio nuclei might be more common than expected. Two possible jet-cloud configurations are discussed to explain an outflow at this distance from the AGN. The outflowing gas will likely not escape, thus a delay in the star formation rather than quenching is expected from this interaction, while the feedback effect would be confined within the central few hundred parsecs of the galaxy.</dc:description>
<dc:identifier>Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A127(2020)</dc:identifier>
<dc:rights>© ESO 2020</dc:rights>
<dc:rights>Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International</dc:rights>
<dc:publisher>EDP Sciences</dc:publisher>
Se ha omitido la presentación del registro por ser demasiado largo. Si lo desea, puede descargárselo en el enlace anterior.