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<dc:title>1H HR MAS NMR metabolomic and non-destructive 2D NMR relaxometry to assess internal quality in apples.</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Melado Herreros, Angela</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Barreiro Elorza, Pilar</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Villa Valverde, Palmira</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Fernandez Valle, M. Encarnacion</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Humpfer, Eberhard</dc:creator>
<dc:description>NMR can be considered a multi-scale multidimensional technology in the sense that it provides both spatial insight at macroscopic (MRI) or microscopic level (relaxometry), together with chemical characterization (HR-MAS). In this study 296 apples (from 4 cultivars) were MRI screened (20 slices per fruit) among which 7 fruits were used for metabolomic study by 1H HR MAS in order to assess various chemical shifts: malic acid, sucrose, glucose, fructose and ethanol. On the first season, tissue samples were taken from the sound and affected apples (near the core, centre and outer part of the mesocarp) belonging to sound and affected locations, while on the second season, tissue samples were focused on the comparison between sound and affected tissue. Beside, MRI and 2D non-destructive relaxometry (on whole fruits, and localized tissue) where performed on 72 and 12 apples respectively in order to compare features at macroscopic (tissue) and microscopic (subcellular) level. HR MAS shows higher content of ?-glucose, ?-glucose, malic acid and aromatic compounds in watercore affected tissues from both seasons, while sound tissue reflects higher sucrose. Microscopic (subcellular) degradation of tissue varies according to disorder development and is in good accordance with macroscopic characterization with MRI.</dc:description>
<dc:publisher>E.T.S.I. Agrónomos (UPM)</dc:publisher>
<dc:type>Ponencia en Congreso o Jornada</dc:type>
<dc:source>InsideFood Symposium. Book of Proceedings | InsideFood Symposium. | 09/04/2013 - 12/04/2013 | Leuven, Bélgica</dc:source>
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<dc:title>1H HR MAS NMR metabolomic and non-destructive 2D NMR relaxometry to assess internal quality in apples.</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Melado Herreros, Angela</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Barreiro Elorza, Pilar</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Villa Valverde, Palmira</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Fernandez Valle, M. Encarnacion</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Humpfer, Eberhard</dc:creator>
<dc:description>NMR can be considered a multi-scale multidimensional technology in the sense that it provides both spatial insight at macroscopic (MRI) or microscopic level (relaxometry), together with chemical characterization (HR-MAS). In this study 296 apples (from 4 cultivars) were MRI screened (20 slices per fruit) among which 7 fruits were used for metabolomic study by 1H HR MAS in order to assess various chemical shifts: malic acid, sucrose, glucose, fructose and ethanol. On the first season, tissue samples were taken from the sound and affected apples (near the core, centre and outer part of the mesocarp) belonging to sound and affected locations, while on the second season, tissue samples were focused on the comparison between sound and affected tissue. Beside, MRI and 2D non-destructive relaxometry (on whole fruits, and localized tissue) where performed on 72 and 12 apples respectively in order to compare features at macroscopic (tissue) and microscopic (subcellular) level. HR MAS shows higher content of ?-glucose, ?-glucose, malic acid and aromatic compounds in watercore affected tissues from both seasons, while sound tissue reflects higher sucrose. Microscopic (subcellular) degradation of tissue varies according to disorder development and is in good accordance with macroscopic characterization with MRI.</dc:description>
<dc:publisher>E.T.S.I. Agrónomos (UPM)</dc:publisher>
<dc:type>Ponencia en Congreso o Jornada</dc:type>
<dc:source>InsideFood Symposium. Book of Proceedings | InsideFood Symposium. | 09/04/2013 - 12/04/2013 | Leuven, Bélgica</dc:source>
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<mods:abstract>NMR can be considered a multi-scale multidimensional technology in the sense that it provides both spatial insight at macroscopic (MRI) or microscopic level (relaxometry), together with chemical characterization (HR-MAS). In this study 296 apples (from 4 cultivars) were MRI screened (20 slices per fruit) among which 7 fruits were used for metabolomic study by 1H HR MAS in order to assess various chemical shifts: malic acid, sucrose, glucose, fructose and ethanol. On the first season, tissue samples were taken from the sound and affected apples (near the core, centre and outer part of the mesocarp) belonging to sound and affected locations, while on the second season, tissue samples were focused on the comparison between sound and affected tissue. Beside, MRI and 2D non-destructive relaxometry (on whole fruits, and localized tissue) where performed on 72 and 12 apples respectively in order to compare features at macroscopic (tissue) and microscopic (subcellular) level. HR MAS shows higher content of ?-glucose, ?-glucose, malic acid and aromatic compounds in watercore affected tissues from both seasons, while sound tissue reflects higher sucrose. Microscopic (subcellular) degradation of tissue varies according to disorder development and is in good accordance with macroscopic characterization with MRI.</mods:abstract>
<mods:classification authority="lcc">Agricultura</mods:classification>
<mods:dateIssued encoding="iso8061">2013</mods:dateIssued>
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